A Different Kind of Democrat
Every minute since the last election, I've been building a plan.
I’m a different kind of Democrat running a different kind of campaign, committed to transcending political division and bringing Montana the leadership it needs.
The American dream endures.
I believe Montanans can be even stronger together than before. Montanans work together. We accept and respect one another and we live in harmony with one another.
When it comes to important issues like protecting our Constitution, Montanans get it right.
We must again have full faith in Montana and each other. When we focus on shared values, our differences lose the power to divide us.

"Montana is a special place..."
We’re farmers, ranchers, mothers, grandfathers, teachers, nurses, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Libertarians all living together in a place we call home. Together, we just voted for CI-128, the most important legislation for women’s healthcare in our lifetimes.